Bigger Words



Each time I fall in love
I need bigger and bigger words.
The heartswell gets larger.
The rushing wave’s pull
Back into the ocean
Is stronger and more dangerous.

Bigger words are needed for bigger risk.
The close of each previous union
Makes it clear
How much more can be lost
In tides that pull crooked
And don’t return to shore.

So this morning I sit here
Almost vibrating after parting ways,
Pulling hard from my center,
Magnets dredging for words
That might be large enough
To wrap us both in protection.

The understood price
Of heartmind connection
Just gets higher
Every time I dare to unfold.
Now the waves are set
For one more indifferent pass at the shore.

Panacea, Florida — Ruins on Alligator Point



Erin Josey Williams

Autistic writer, mother, good girl, and widow/wife with chronic illness. I’m a caregiver and witness who loves and grieves without limit.