Good Girl


I’m your good girl.

I’m the little one following you in the garden.

I’m your best friend.

I’m the sweet ass scrambling into your truck.

I’m your honor and duty.

I’m the big ol’ beautiful brain keeping you busy.

I’m your brave heart.

I’m the one you work hard for and hard with.

I’m your everything.

I’m the one you knew was waiting.

I’m your good morning love.

I’m the snuggle bunny, teddy bear you can’t sleep without.

I’m your baby girl.

I’m a glowing angel, pretty princess, dirty whore.

I’m your favorite.

I’m the 10mm wrench, the one you need the most.

I’m your good girl.

Boots and Hat after the storm — author’s own image



Erin Josey Williams

Autistic writer, mother, good girl, and widow/wife with chronic illness. I’m a caregiver and witness who loves and grieves without limit.